Sunday, May 25, 2008

An Equation of Productivity

There is no equation for how productivity works, just like there is no gene of faith. But productivity as a word is easily defined. Productivity is a general term used to show ones production scale based on the time to develop a production. So a simple equation would be:
productivity = production/time

So the more you produce in the less time the more productivity you have? The answer is yes, quality and other factors are irrelevant. A great example of mass automated productivity is the Storm botnet. They transfer billions of bytes of digital data per day, with near maximum efficiency. In a sense, the spam industry is by far the most productive industry in the world. They may be producing crap, however they are highly productive about it.

So what creates extraordinary work? Using productivity to create great products. That's where you add in two equations to the step. Productivity is your base equation then you have quality. Quality is defined as following the rules of quality. Meaning that a product that follows all of it's qualified design documents and requirements flawlessly, that results in quality.
In essence quality is the amount of development points and requirements followed thus:
quality = product requirements - product flaws

So what does this mean? It means in essence work hard, work smart, and work with quality. Make sure everything that you do is done fast, and make sure it's done right. That is in essence the model for quality and productive work.